субота, 26. новембар 2011.

Facebook + Myspace + Blogspot (Blogger) + Google+


If this group deserves to grow, feel free to add all of your Facebook friends. Or those who might be interested.

Right now, when you are reading these words, social networks are fighting for your attention. This is the 21st century. Are you sure that Facebook is the best social network possible? Its search engine is inferior to that one on Myspace. You can search here only email addresses, people's names and groups. People's interests aren't searchable. Myspace doesn't have searchable blogs, but Blogger and WordPress have them. Facebook doesn't have blogs. Facebook has the biggest network because it has been primarily growing around real-life friends. Google+ is new here. Its intent is to destroy Facebook, including your activities and network of friends. There is a difference between friendship and choosing a pair of shoes. I would like to be a member of one strong and stable social network with really good search engine and blogs (already existing blogs could move from one network to another if they let us). I want them to bring me the latest tools for social networking. They already exist. Call that imaginary social network Facebook if you want, I don't care. Just stop fighting over my back.

Recommended reading: The Phenomenon of Science by Valentin Turchin (available online at http://pcp.vub.ac.be/POSBOOK.html ), The Extended Mind by Andy Clark & David Chalmers (http://consc.net/papers/extended.html), The Glass Bead Game by Hermann Hesse, I and Thou by Martin Buber, The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman, Augmenting Human Intellect by Douglas Engelbart (http://www.invisiblerevolution.net/engelbart/full_62_paper_augm_hum_int.html).

Onaj eksperiment što sam započeo ovde ima mnogo veze sa ovim što sam gore napisao. Znam da ovo neće uspeti, ali to još uvek ne znači da ovaj eksperiment neće uspeti.

четвртак, 20. октобар 2011.


Planirao sam za danas tekst pod naslovom Vrhunac. Nadam se da će za godinu dana imati smisla postaviti tekst pod naslovom Rasplet. Ako se to desi, napisaću malo detaljnije i o vrhuncu i o raspletu, kao i detaljnije o stvarima koje su se desile tokom samog eksperimenta.